Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 1: No clue what to do!

Day 1 of the ultimate weight challenge AND my folks decided to order KFC for lunch! Can you imagine my pain??? I have been so mentally synced to just try and try to be focused... and having to eat tomatoes and carrots while the rest of my siblings devour Kentucky fried chicken pieces that are crispy to the core is jussssst GRRRRRR!

I mean can YOU resist this?

Well, back to day 1, I finally got down to planning what I'm supposed to do. Have you ever heard of this lemon and honey magic trick that makes u lose weight? Well, I just did. Apparently if you drink this concoction, it promotes a cleanse in your body!! 

I don't know how true it is, I'm just starting out! But what i CAN tell you is I felt kinda cleansed after drinking it.. You know that "healthier than thou feeling"? My grandmother swears by it apparently so I'm going to bring this in to my routine! (For your benefit, the simple yet impt recipe is below.)

I've finally gotten down to joining a gym! Do i hear applause? :D I was mighty proud of myself! 

Well, Lets hope things work out! 

Detox lemon water

3 small lemons or 1 large lemon
1 tablespoon of honey
Warm water.

Mix it all together and drink it!

A precaution though, do not overdose on the lemon. It promotes too much acidity in your tummy.

Cheers folks!

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