Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 0: Embarking on the Ultimate Weight Challenge!

Its the 24th of April, 2013.
And today is the day I start my Ultimate Weight Challenge.

The goal        -   Loss 20 Pounds
The duration -  1 Year
End date       -  25th April 2014

I've looked in the mirror every day of the past few years and hated the figure staring back at me. I know I'm overweight. There is no denial there but just, perhaps, I've given everything else more importance than the way I look. Or maybe, I'm just lazy.

Ultimately, its all excuses! Excuses, excuses, EXCUSES!.

I'm freaking 23 years old! Its my time to party, look good and enjoy life. Yet I'm stuck in a world where knee length is the highest my dresses go coz of the chubby thighs.

So I've finally decided to get round to changing everything about the way I look. I read it here just how creating accountability really helps in goal setting and getting things accomplished. The entire key is to set goals but make people aware of your goals. You are now accountable to them. I am now accountable to all the readers of this blog and to my family and friends!

Just a few days ago, I told my mom that i was thinking of starting a weight loss routine. My mother looked terribly dubious. Her reply was simple "You may hate the way you look, but you love good food more!" Grrrrrr! Sad but true! :S

I simply CANNOT diet or starve myself! I love food and I love to cook. Whats worse is that I hate those detox smoothies my mom insists I take. Full on confusion!

AND yes, I'm off to meet a dietitian, get enrolled in a gym and properly formulate my weight loss plan! To be honest, I have no idea in the least on what I intend to do... :S
I just have to lose this weight!

Any suggestions?! What do you do when you have kilos to lose? Are you just waiting to start a weight loss challenge for yourself?

(Please do excuse the fact that there are no photographs or facts as of yet! Its still Day0! :) )

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